Interview Essentials.
Take a look at our list of do's and don'ts.

How to handle the interview itself? Here are our interview essentials and top tips for success.
Do: Let go!
Interviewers need to know who you are and what you can do. An interview essential is to take the opportunity to tell them about your skills, your experience, your qualifications, and background, but do keep it relevant and tailored to the job.
Do: Mind the gap.
Find something positive to say to compensate for anything that would otherwise look negative. Make sure you find the advantages, opportunities and learning from anything that the employer might regard unfavourably.
Do: Speak up for yourself.
You only have one chance at this and if you don’t one of the other candidates just might. This applies not only to the interview but also to any preliminary meetings or assessment exercises
Do: Keep your answers to the point
Focus on your skills and how they match the needs of the interviewers job. Keep to the point and don’t waffle, but don’t be so brief you fail to convey your personality.
Do: Speak as you would normally.
Implicit in your answers is that the person speaking is the real you. Don't be false but be your best professional self.
Do: Take your portfolio with you.
It looks professional and gives you something to refer to if you get stuck for words. (But don’t use it as a script or a prop).
Do: remain positive and confident.
The interviewer may be writing notes and unable to maintain eye contact. This may be off putting but do keep your sprits up. Note taking is a good sign. It means the interviewer wants to remember something you said.

Our list of interview essentials includes these don'ts:-
Don’t: Worry too much about nerves.
They never show as much as you think they will. And they will trigger adrenaline just when you need it.
Don’t: Drink tea or coffee.
You simply cannot afford to spill it. Water is OK
Don’t: Assume the interviewer will know what you think is the obvious.
Spell it out. Take every chance to draw attention to your relevant experience.
Don’t: Fall silent or give Yes/ No answers.
Keep talking. But know when to stop!
Don’t: Panic if you lose your train of thought.
Take a moment, a breath and get back on track. If you need to apologise do, but don’t draw any more attention than you need