Top 100 questions

On this page you will find our top 100 questions. Please do not be overwhelmed. You will notice there are many similar and overlapping questions throughout. You do not need to prepare them all. We recommend you use the top 100 questions to practice your answers with a partner. Ask them to pick a random selection from the list and see how you get on answering them. However before you do this, first prepare your answers to the most common questions.
Click here for the Ten most Common Interview Questions
Before answering any of the top 100 questions print off your
Interview Preparation Master Plan.
That will keep you focussed and ensure you only prepare answers to relevant questions.
Remember our page on Example Answers.
Suggested Answers to the Most Common Questions are here.
The good news is that the interviewer will not ask you all the top 100 questions! TOP SKILLS QUESTIONS - What are your three main strengths?
- What are your weaknesses?
- What would you describe as your key skills?
- What skills would you like to improve?
- How do you cope with pressure?
- Are you a team player?
- Have you ever had to work with a difficult person?
- Tell me about a challenge in the workplace and what skills you needed?
- How is your time management? How do you prioritise workload?
- What would you do if there was conflict in your team?
- Describe how you handled a difficult customer/client?
TOP EXPERIENCE QUESTIONS - What are your most satisfying and frustrating parts of your present/last job?
- What work experience have you had that will equip you for this job?
- Describe a typical day?
- What is the worst job you've ever had?
- What are your main responsibilities’?
- With hindsight what would you do differently?
- Give me an example of when things didn't go well?
- Describe a difficult problem you had to deal with?
- What is the best work/project you've ever done?
- What are some of the problems you have encountered?
TOP KNOWLEDGE & QUALIFICATIONS QUESTIONS - How is your qualification relevant?
- What do think about our products and services?
- What do you know about our competitors?
- What do you think of our company website?
- What training & development have you done recently?
- What do you know about this company?
- What do you know about this job?
- Tell me about your degree?
- What do you think are the main issues facing this company at the moment?
TOP BACKGROUND QUESTIONS - Tell me about yourself?
- What made you decide on this career path?
- Why are you looking for a new job?
- What are you most proud of?
- What are the reasons for wanting to leave your current job?
- Why have you changed jobs so frequently?
- Why have you stayed in one job for so long?
- Which of your jobs have been the most interesting and why?
- What is the biggest challenge you've faced?
- What are interests outside work?
TOP COMPETENCE BASED (Competency) QUESTIONS(Sometimes called behavioural questions) NB. You would be expected to illustrate your answers with an example - Tell me how you deal with busy times at work?
- Tell me about an occasion when you had to say 'no'?
- Describe a problem you have solved?
- How do your colleagues know they can rely on you?
- What is the difference between a manager and leader?
- What was the hardest decision you have made?
- How are you on creativity?
- When did you last need to influence your colleagues/boss?
- Have you ever come up with an idea to solve a long term problem?
- What about your attention to detail?
TOP PERSONALITY QUESTIONS- How well do you take criticism?
- How does your boss get the best out of you?
- What would friends/colleagues/manager say about you?
- Rate yourself on 1-10 for xyz
- What do you like/dislike about your job?
- What personal characteristics does it take to succeed?
- Why do you think this job would suit you?
- How do you deal with change?
- What motivates you? What inspires you?
- What would you do if you'd made a serious mistake?
TOP OTHER (MOTIVATION & COMMITMENT) QUESTIONS - Give me 3 reasons why we should appoint you?
- How would you compare yourself to the other candidates?
- Would you take the job if it was offered to you?
- What do you think you can contribute?
- Why do you want to work for us?
- What does equal opportunity mean to you?
- What interests you most about our job?
- What interests you least about our job?
- How long would you stay with this company?
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
MOST COMMON QUESTIONS - Tell me about yourself?
- Why have you applied for this job?
- Why do you want to work for us?
- Why do you want to leave your current job?
- What are your main strengths?
- What are your weaknesses?
- What has been your greatest achievements?
- What have been the greatest challenges?
- Why should we appoint you rather than another candidate?
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
TOP TOUGH QUESTIONS- How did you rise to the challenge?
- What do you do if everyone disagrees with you?
- What has been your biggest disappointment?
- Who do you least like working with?
- What would you do if xyz happened?
- What are your criticisms of you present company/boss?
- How do you handle pressure?
- What is the most stressful thing you could face at work?
EXAMPLE ILLEGAL(or heading that way) QUESTIONS- What religion are you?
- How old are you?
- Are you married?
- How many children do you have?
- Do you plan to have children?
- What are your childcare arrangements?
- Are you straight or gay?
- Do you think you are too old/too young to do this job?
These are examples of the top 100 questions. You will not be asked all of them and you may well be asked others we have not thought of. Our aim of listing these top 100 questions is to give you an idea of what may be asked so you can prepare some good, positive, relevant, persuasive answers that are sure to impress the interviewer. Remember, if you need any one-to-one coaching we provide a cost effective service via the CV Centre.
Link to CV Centre Coaching Services
Or you can Contact Us with your question.
and of course you can book some ONE TO ONE interview coaching with one of our team
Phew! Now you have read our top 100 questions you can relax and take a well earned break!