What are your top interview tips?

Here are our top ten interview tips.
'Can you give me your top interview tips?' This is without doubt one of the most popular questions our interview coaching clients ask us.
So always ready to oblige, here they are, listed below, our top ten tips which we always use to prepare our clients. Judging by the feedback we get we are 100% sure our advice makes a difference.
1. Make sure you want the job.
Our number one tip. There is not much point going through all this work if you really don’t want the job. And if you don't want the job it always shows.
More about this.
2. Be sure you can do the job.
Within reasonable limits the employer will expect to train you. But if you can never see yourself doing the job think carefully. Either get yourself trained or spend your energy finding a job you can do (or can do with a reasonable amount of training).
More about this.
3. Do your preparation.
Go through our links to interview preparation and read all the top interview tips on this site. It takes time and hopefully will get you the job. You may not, but at least you won’t be able to blame yourself for not being thorough. If there is another candidate on the day the interviewer prefers that is a shame but will most likely not be down to your preparation
More about Interview Preparation.
4. Rehearse your answers.
Go over your prepared top answers with a friend or colleague to help you. You do not need to be word perfect as that will sound false but you will gain confidence if you can answer the most obvious questions confidently and naturally.
More about Preparing your Answers.
5. Prepare your first impression.
A positive first impression will get you off to a great start. See our information by clicking here. Also prepare to dress for success. Do not leave your choice of interview outfit to the morning of the interview.
More about First Impressions.
6. Take an interview portfolio.
A smart file containing your job application, job description, further information on the interview or the company, testimonials, press releases as well as questions to ask and your interview preparation will give you plenty of last minute support and look professional.
More about Interview Portfolio.
7. Give your self-confidence a boost.
Give yourself positive messages. Tell yourself, ’I can do this job’ ‘This job is perfect for me’, 'I am what the company is looking for’. Say ‘I am positive and confident’ a few times to get some energy going. And it might sound daft but take or wear something lucky (discreetly of course!) Anything you regard as a confidence booster is going to give you an advantage
More about Self-Confidence.
8. Be the person the employer/interviewer is looking for.
Without being arrogant try and model the person you think the interviewer is looking for. It is no good saying you are enthusiastic, confident, decisive, good at time keeping and good with people if you do not display those characteristics.
More about what interviewers' want.
9. Be yourself.
By all means model the person you believe they are looking for, use our body language tips and relax. If you have done your preparation there is no advantage in worrying. Trust that when the moment comes your adrenaline will kick in at just the right time and your preparation will pay off.
10. Get coached.
The CV Centre offers a telephone-based interview coaching service to help give you that winning edge. (And, for no extra charge, we can also work by webcam if you prefer.)
In our interview coaching sessions we can show you how to develop a winning strategy – planning and preparing for every eventuality and learning how to handle every possible kind of interview, from a brief chat over the telephone through to a trip to an assessment centre.
Your interview coach can take you through plenty of real interview questions and make sure you know how to avoid cliché and really make an impact when handling both the classic questions – and the really tough ones that interviewers can throw at you.
And we can take you beyond the interview to discuss what you need to do to close the deal to your advantage.
You'll find our interview coaching useful whether you are trying to land your first job, returning to the workplace after a career break or simply looking to take another step up the career ladder.
More about Coaching
"Why do some people almost alwaysget the job they want?"
Because they know precisely how to truly excel at interview!"What about You?"
Have yourself coached by the experts.
Good luck.
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