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From this page you can access the best free information about salaries around the world ranging from the top jobs to the minimum wage via the The Wage Indicator Foundation.
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The Wage Indicator Foundation website
The WageIndicator Foundation owns the WageIndicator concept. It is a non-profit organization, dedicated to labour market transparency by providing accurate wage and wage related information. Its mission statement reads:
"Share and compare wage information. Contribute to a transparent labour market. Provide free, accurate wage data through salary checks on national websites. Collect wage data through web surveys."
Thus, the public at large contributes to scientific information gathering, and scientists in return provide information free of charge to the public.
On 17-9-2003 the Foundation was established under Dutch law. It is a joint initiative of FNV (Dutch Confederation of Trade Unions), the University of Amsterdam/AIAS (Institute of Advanced Labour Studies) and career website Monster. They make up the board of supervisors.
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